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Book an appointment

We love to show you our tiny homes

If you have any questions about our range, or have your own tiny home design in mind, we would love to hear from you.

We would love for you to see our Tiny House product range and get a feel for our unique accommodations. You will be able to understand the different concepts and dimensions of each product and what we have to offer for you! 


If you are in the area we would love it if you would visit our Warehouse or Display Village to see our Tiny Houses. We always have Tiny Houses in different stages available, but you will be able to see our range set up. Just book your tour by filling out the form below – we will be happy to show you around. 


Because we are busy constructing or shipping our Tiny Houses our Warehouse is a busy place, we need to ask you to book your visit with us. The tour generally runs for half an hour up to 60 minutes and we are happy to help you with any questions you might have.   


To make sure you have the best experience and an exclusive consultation, our showroom is open by appointment only. 

Book your appointment

Container tiny house on farm for business opportunity


First Name* 

Last Name*

Email Address*

Phone Number*

Date – When would you like to visit us?* 

Which Tiny House Model are you most interested to see? 

<Scroll Down selection with multiple options of our products>

When are you planning on buying a Tiny House*?

<Scroll down selection for: 


  • In the next 3 months

  • In the next 6 months 

  • In the next 12 months 

  • In the near future>

    <Book Button>

Display Centre


Container tiny house on farm for business opportunity

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